Our company was founded on August 11, 2012, on the same day it also obtained all trade licenses for its operation. The company has been successfully operating on the market for seven years. We continually increase our business, expand our fleet and develop our own staff. GSO s.r.o. is a small family business in which Oldřich Gajdoš, along with his son Daniel Gajdoš (founders, partners) and his wife Dana Gajdošová (executive director), are in senior positions.
The company currently has 50 employees and specializes in custom manufacturing of individual metal parts and components, which are subsequently used in the manufacture and assembly of specialized CNC machines. We produce these components using dedicated machine tools – our own CNC machines. During our business we managed to create a stable base of satisfied customers, which we convinced of the quality of our products and services. This is reflected in the economic growth of the company.
The company’s production plant is located in Cvikov, Česká Lípa. The company has implemented the standard ČSN EN ISI 9001: 2016 and the subsequent certification of the quality management system according to this standard.